Monday, September 9, 2013

Amazing Facts About The Samurai

8 Suicide Rituals
We are familiar with the seppuku (or hara-kiri) is an honorable way for a samurai to die. It is a voluntary act or can be a punishment. On the battlefield, the quick version of this suicidal ritual is a samurai slice his stomach with a small knife from left to right then another warrior will decapitate him (otherwise it will be a long and painful death). However this suicidal ritual is far more elaborate when not on the battlefield. The formal seppuku starts with ceremonial bathing, then the samurai wears a white robe and given his favorite meal. He will be given his favorite meal and will write his death note. He then slices his stomach with a small blade then the attendant finishes the ritual by decapitating him.
7 Physical Appearance
 Despite paintings portraying the appearance of samurais as huge warrior, in truth that is only their armor. Samurais were very slim usually 5’3” to 5’5” in height compared to European knights at that time who were around 6’ to 6’5” in height.

6 Education
 The samurai class were far more educated than other warriors at that time and were more literate than the people of Europe during that period. They were skilled in mathematics and art. Bushido (their creed) dictated that they should strive to improve even in things unrelated to combat. They engage in cultural and artistic affairs.

5 Weapons
 Samurais are famous to be carrying their swords (or katana)but a samurai may use more than one weapon depending on his skill. Some of their instruments were the bow, Tanegashima (flintlock rifle that became popular among Edo-era samurai and their footmen), cannons and other gunpowder weapons.
4 Number
If you think that the samurai is an elite fighting force like today’s SAS or Delta Force then you might need to check it again. Samurais made up 10 percent of Japan’s population before. Though the original meaning of the word samurai only refers to the warriors who were close security of the noble it later turned into different classes. As of today, it is believed that every person in Japan today at least came from a samurai blood.

3 Foreigner Samurai
In history, there were times when outsiders fight along side with the samurais. There were four Westerners who have been granted the honour to become a samurai. William Adams, Jan Joosten van Lodenstejin, the Navy officer Eugene Collache and arms dealer Edward Schnell. Only powerful leaders like daimyos and shoguns can give permission. Strangely, neither of the four mentioned above were the inspiration for the film “The Last Samurai with Tom Cruise”.
2 Homosexuality
Despite the image of a samurai as a tough warrior, they were open-minded to sexuality. They accepted same-sex relationships in the group which is usually between an experienced samurai and his student. The practice is known as wakashudo (the way of the youth) which is actively encouraged by the group.

1 Female "Samurai"
If you think the Japanese women before were just staying home, well there are groups of samurai (the Japanese bushi class) that allowed women to join and receive similar training with men. Their weapon of choice is usually the nagita which is a spear with a curved blade. The remains from the site of the Battle of SenbonMatsubaru were DNA tested and they found out that 35 out of 105 bodies were female.